Creating Interactive Maps with Datawrapper


For this tutorial, we will be looking at some eviction data aggregated at the county level for the state of Florida. These data come from the Eviction Lab, which is led by Matthew Desmond. As always, it is helpful to review the data dictionary. If you want more detail about any of the variables, I encourage you to review the full Methodology Report.

By the end of the tutorial, we’ll have produced an interactive map about eviction rates in Florida that looks like this:

An interactive map of eviction rates in different Florida counties

Data Processing

To create a data visualization, we need to provide tools like Datawrapper with data. CSV files are universally accepted by data visualization tools. We can use R to help us create such a file.

Loading the Data

The first step, as usual, is to read in the source data. Like before, we’ll use the readr::read_csv() function to read data from this CSV file.

us_counties <- read_csv("")
## Rows: 53436 Columns: 27

## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (3): GEOID, name, parent-location
## dbl (24): year, population, poverty-rate, renter-occupied-households, pct-re...

## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Here’s a sample of the data:

us_counties %>%
GEOID year name parent-location population poverty-rate renter-occupied-households pct-renter-occupied median-gross-rent median-household-income median-property-value rent-burden pct-white pct-af-am pct-hispanic pct-am-ind pct-asian pct-nh-pi pct-multiple pct-other eviction-filings evictions eviction-rate eviction-filing-rate low-flag imputed subbed
01001 2000 Autauga County Alabama 43671 10.92 3074 19.21 537 42013 94800 22.6 79.74 17.01 1.40 0.43 0.44 0.03 0.86 0.10 61 40 1.30 1.98 1 0 0
01001 2001 Autauga County Alabama 43671 10.92 3264 19.21 537 42013 94800 22.6 79.74 17.01 1.40 0.43 0.44 0.03 0.86 0.10 89 37 1.13 2.73 0 0 0
01001 2002 Autauga County Alabama 43671 10.92 3454 19.21 537 42013 94800 22.6 79.74 17.01 1.40 0.43 0.44 0.03 0.86 0.10 103 20 0.58 2.98 0 0 0
01001 2003 Autauga County Alabama 43671 10.92 3644 19.21 537 42013 94800 22.6 79.74 17.01 1.40 0.43 0.44 0.03 0.86 0.10 107 12 0.33 2.94 0 0 0
01001 2004 Autauga County Alabama 43671 10.92 3834 19.21 537 42013 94800 22.6 79.74 17.01 1.40 0.43 0.44 0.03 0.86 0.10 98 18 0.47 2.56 0 1 0
01001 2005 Autauga County Alabama 49584 7.52 4024 22.45 779 51463 130700 27.2 77.92 17.80 2.04 0.37 0.62 0.00 1.13 0.11 89 42 1.04 2.21 0 1 0
01001 2006 Autauga County Alabama 49584 7.52 4213 22.45 779 51463 130700 27.2 77.92 17.80 2.04 0.37 0.62 0.00 1.13 0.11 85 40 0.95 2.02 1 0 0
01001 2007 Autauga County Alabama 49584 7.52 4403 22.45 779 51463 130700 27.2 77.92 17.80 2.04 0.37 0.62 0.00 1.13 0.11 87 47 1.07 1.98 1 0 0
01001 2008 Autauga County Alabama 49584 7.52 4593 22.45 779 51463 130700 27.2 77.92 17.80 2.04 0.37 0.62 0.00 1.13 0.11 134 79 1.72 2.92 0 0 0
01001 2009 Autauga County Alabama 49584 7.52 4783 22.45 779 51463 130700 27.2 77.92 17.80 2.04 0.37 0.62 0.00 1.13 0.11 111 56 1.17 2.32 0 0 0
Getting the data we need

The first thing we’ll want to do is extract only the information we need for creating the map. While it can be harmless to include additional data, it can sometimes (a) confuse the software being used to create the chart; (b) make it unwieldy to select options using those software; and (c) exceed the dataset size limitations of the software, especially if you’re on a free tier.

The first thing we’ll do is to filter out all the states (parent-location) besides Florida, since that’s the focus of our visualization. We also just want data for the year 2016.

We can use the dplyr::filter() function to include only the observations (rows) we’re interested in. Since we’ll continue to work with these data, we’ll assign them to an object called fl_data.

fl_data <- us_counties %>%
  filter(`parent-location` == "Florida" & year == 2016)

Here’s a sample of the data after applying that filter:

GEOID year name parent-location population poverty-rate renter-occupied-households pct-renter-occupied median-gross-rent median-household-income median-property-value rent-burden pct-white pct-af-am pct-hispanic pct-am-ind pct-asian pct-nh-pi pct-multiple pct-other eviction-filings evictions eviction-rate eviction-filing-rate low-flag imputed subbed
12001 2016 Alachua County Florida 254218 13.00 52822 46.80 871 43073 164000 35.9 62.72 19.56 8.87 0.29 5.65 0.19 2.48 0.24 2090 733 1.39 3.96 0 0 0
12003 2016 Baker County Florida 27135 12.50 2392 21.93 691 47121 114300 32.7 82.03 14.48 2.35 0.14 0.60 0.00 0.40 0.00 26 26 1.09 1.09 0 1 0
12005 2016 Bay County Florida 175353 10.74 29262 38.55 922 47368 157800 31.4 77.94 10.54 5.49 0.54 2.03 0.05 3.29 0.11 1781 920 3.14 6.09 0 0 0
12007 2016 Bradford County Florida 27223 16.66 2703 26.15 705 41606 89200 34.4 74.43 19.86 3.78 0.08 0.40 0.03 1.41 0.00 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0
12009 2016 Brevard County Florida 553591 9.91 73594 28.34 909 48925 142200 32.1 76.08 9.88 9.06 0.26 2.24 0.09 2.15 0.23 3033 1481 2.01 4.12 0 0 0
12011 2016 Broward County Florida 1843152 11.21 276604 36.49 1191 51968 185900 36.1 40.38 26.89 26.96 0.17 3.43 0.04 1.67 0.45 18105 9594 3.47 6.55 0 0 0

The second thing we’ll want to do is think ahead to all the variables we will need to draw geographical information from and to fill in our captions with (e.g., when hovering over areas of the map). Again, in the interest of reducing the size of our dataset (and reducing the likelihood of a problem with the third-party tools), we want to select just the variables that we need.

The first variable is GEOID. If you look at the data dictionary, you’ll see that GEOID corresponds to the location’s FIPS code. Briefly, FIPS is a standardized code used by the U.S. government to link together locations across datasets. When referring to counties, you’ll see a five-digit code like 12001. The first two digits (12) refer to the state, in this case Florida. The following three digits (001) refer to the county, in this case Alachua County.

The second to fourth variables are name (the county’s name), eviction-rate (the eviction rate, which we will use for shading), and evictions (the total number of evictions, which we’ll include in the information box when the user hovers over a county).

We can use the dplyr::select() function to select those four columns.

map_data <- fl_data %>%
  select(GEOID, name, `eviction-rate`, evictions) %>%

We use the na.omit() function to remove any rows that have an NA value in them—​that is, if any one variable (e.g., eviction-rate) has a missing value. (This may happen in our dataset because there were insufficient data for the Eviction Lab team to confidently generalize to the county level.) This ensures that we only map counties for which we have data. Datawrapper in particular would be confused if it is presented with non-numeric values, like NA, for certain variables.

Here’s a sample of our modified data frame:

GEOID name eviction-rate evictions
12001 Alachua County 1.39 733
12003 Baker County 1.09 26
12005 Bay County 3.14 920
12009 Brevard County 2.01 1481
12011 Broward County 3.47 9594
12013 Calhoun County 0.00 0
Producing a CSV file

If we want to get our data out of R, we’ll need to export it. The readr package (part of tidyverse) makes it easy for us to produce a properly formatted CSV file with its write_csv() function.

That function requires us to provide it just two arguments: the object (data frame) we’d like to export and the filename of the CSV file.

The CSV file will be saved in your working directory, unless you specify a different path.

map_data %>%

Because we’re piping the information, the first argument (the data frame) is already filled in for us. Thus, we only need to specify the filename for where to save the data.

Our Preliminary CSV File

You can download a copy of the CSV file we will be using below by clicking here.

Creating an Map With Datawrapper

A simple tool for creating interactive maps is Datawrapper. Datawrapper is used by several (smaller) newsrooms for producing a range of different visualizations. It is a good alternative to either Infogram or Flourish–the latter of which supports mapping functionality of its own.

The first step is to create an account with Datawrapper. As is the case with many online visualization tools, Datawrapper provides you with a limited free tier and more feature-loaded paid tiers. The free tier will be good enough for our purposes.

You can click on the “Login” link on Datawrapper’s homepage and sign up with just a few details.

Sign up interface for Datawrapper

After you create and activate your account, you should be presented with a welcome page. Look for the “New Map” link at the top right part of the page.

Selecting the New Map option in Datawrapper

You will then be presented with different options for maps. Today, we’ll be creating a choropleth map, where areas on the map are shaded according to some corresponding value (i.e., the eviction rate).

Selecting the Choropleth map option in Datawrapper

After selecting that option, you’ll be presented with different geographies for your map. In our case, we only have data for the state of Florida, so we’ll want to select that as our geography. You can either select it from the list or simply search for “Florida”. Because we have county-level data with county-level geographical identifiers (the FIPS code), we’ll select the USA >> Florida >> Counties option and then Next.

Selecting the Florida Counties geographical option

There is also an option to upload your own geography, which is necessary if you’re using less-used geographical markers like school district boundaries (or custom maps). This requires uploading a separate file with shape information and goes beyond the scope of this tutorial.

We now need to add in the data for our map. Datawrapper allows us to manually fill in values for each geographical marker associated with the selected geography (e.g., counties in the Florida Counties map). However, since we already have a clean data file with the values we need, we can just upload that file instead.

You can do that by scrolling to the bottom of the table and clicking on the Import your dataset button.

First step on the data import screen

Datawrapper will tell us that we need a column in our dataset that specifies a corresponding geographical identifier. This can be either a “Name” column that matches Datawrapper’s expectations (e.g., “Alachua” for Alachua county) or a “FIPS” column that matches the U.S. government’s standard for counties. We have information for the latter, under the GEOID column, so we can just select Start Import.

Second step on the data import screen

While Datawrapper gives us the option of copying and pasting the information into a table, we’re better off just uploading our clean CSV file. (It increases the likelihood of a clean import.) Click on the link to upload a CSV-file. Then, select the CSV file we just created (evictions_map_data.csv above).

Third step on the data import screen

After selecting the file, the table will be updated to look like the one below. Datawrapper will also ask us to select the column that contains the FIPS codes. Make sure the first column (GEOID) is selected and click Next.

Fourth step on the data import screen

Once the data is imported, click Okay, Continue. You’ll then be asked to select the variable that will be used for shading the map. Select the eviction-rate variable, as that is the number that is most comparable across counties since it is proportional to the county’s population. (We can change this variable later.) Then, click Next.

Fifth step on the data import screen

With the data now added in, we can click Proceed at the bottom of our table.

Final step on the data import screen

You will then be presented with the design options for the map:

Listing of the visualization options for the choropleth map

Play around with those options to find what suits you best. Note that there are tabs for Refine (select map options), Annotate (add in text), and Design (design options, which are limited for the free tier).

The map displayed at the start of this tutorial used the following options:

  • Refine

    • Color Palette: #fef0d9,#fdd49e,#fdbb84,#fc8d59,#e34a33,#b30000 (you can enter these into the box that appears when you select “Import Colors”)

    • Type: Steps

    • Steps: 7 (Custom)

      • Upper and Lower Limits: min-0.7, 0.7-1.5, 1.5-2.2, 2.2-2.9, 2.9-3.6, 3.6-4.4, 4.4-max
    • Legend Caption: Eviction Rate

    • Labels: Custom

      • Edit Labels: < 0.7 per 100 renters, 0.7-1.5, 1.5-2.2, 2.2-2.9, 2.9-3.6, 3.6-4.4, > 4.4
    • Label Position: Bottom left

    • Orientation: Vertical

    • Make Map Zoomable: Unchecked

    • Hide Regions Without Data: Unchecked

  • Annotate

    • Title: Duval County home to state’s highest eviction rate

    • Description: The county, whose seat is Jacksonville, features the state’s highest eviction rate. It is followed by Broward and Hillsborough counties. Critics allege the county lags others in the protections it offers homeowners and tenants.

    • Data source: Eviction Lab

    • Link to data source:

    • Byline: Rodrigo Zamith

    • Tooltips (Customize): Title is {{ name }}, Body is Eviction Rate: {{ eviction_rate }}<br>Number of Evictions: {{ evictions }}

With the tooltip, you can use HTML tags to format your tooltip. For example, we use <br> to insert a line break.

When you’re finished editing your map, click the Publish button at the bottom of the design options.

Design screen

This will take you to a new screen that allows you to Publish chart. Click on that icon to generate a final chart. (You can later revise and republish it.)

Publish and Embed screen

You will then be provided with links to the chart for sharing and embedding the map.

Publish and Embed screen

Voila! You’ve created and are now able to share and embed a professional-looking map.